Linux wget for downloading

wget for downloading files in Terminal.

When I was doing my summer project, I should download the datasets into the server. To achieve this, I used the wget and records the infor of this command by this chance.

Introduction of wget

GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies.

Non-interactive means that it can work in the background.

To invoke:

wget [option]… [URL]…

Some more about Using

  1. Download file in the background:
wget -b [URL]

Check the information of the downloading:

tail -f wget-log
  1. Download file and change the name
wget -O [name] [URL]
  1. Download multiple files
wget -i filelist.txt

The filelist.txt should have the urls of the targets files.

To unzip the .tar.gz file, use the command tar. See the blog Linux tar for unzipping.


  1. GNU Wget 1.20 Manual
  2. 每天一个linux命令(61):wget命令